This program is perfect for the young athlete or any aspiring youth wanting to learn how to use the Wellness Floor equipment, push themselves in some tough workouts, expand their knowledge of fitness and exercise as a whole!
- Learn how to use the cardio, Freemotion, and Technogym equipment
- Learn the basic compound free weight exercises and movements (squats, presses, deadlifts, rows, etc.)
- Get the opportunity to push yourself in 2 actual workouts designed and led by a personal trainer
- Learn how to create and design your own basic training program
- Apply all of your newfound knowledge to complete the final test and earn your Gold Card, which grants them access to use the Wellness Floor before age 15.
Participants will be tested each week on skills and techniques with a final test which will determine if they receive access to the Wellness Floor.
*One Parent or Guardian is required to attend the first class. Rules and expectations of the Wellness Floor will be reviewed at this time.
August - May Sessions: 4:00-5:00pm
Cost: $100 - Members only
Registration Deadline: Monday before class
**Class Capacity: 10**
March 4-27, April 1-27, May 6-29, June 3-26, July 1-24, August 5-28, September 2-25, October 7-30, November 4-28 (No class 11/27), December 2-26 (No class 12/25)
This program is perfect for the aspiring teen looking to challenge themselves in the weight room and explore the powerlifting sport!
- Learn proper Weight Room etiquette
- Learn various dumbbell exercises
- Learn the 6 basic movement patterns in strength training (squat, lunge, push, hinge, pull, loaded carry)
- Learn the basic fundamentals of the powerlifting sport - squat, bench press, deadlift (form & techniques, commands, etc.)
Participants who complete the class will receive 50% off their registration fee for the next SBD Showdown Powerlifting Event.
Cost: $100 M / $150 N
**Class Capacity: 5**
MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS in Functional Training Room (Room 5)
August - May Sessions: 4:00-5:00pm
June & July Sessions: 11:00am-12:00pm
Registration Deadline: Friday before session begins
March 3-26, April 7-30, May 5-30
Personal Trainer Director
Sam Moore